It3170c - Rft for the Provision of a Student Enquiries and Case Management System for Trinity College Dublin

IrelandTenders notice for It3170c - Rft for the Provision of a Student Enquiries and Case Management System for Trinity College Dublin. The reference ID of the tender is 113157276 and it is closing on 11 Feb 2025.

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Tender Details

  • Country: Ireland
  • Summary: It3170c - Rft for the Provision of a Student Enquiries and Case Management System for Trinity College Dublin
  • IET Ref No: 113157276
  • Deadline: 11 Feb 2025
  • Competition: ICB
  • Financier: Self Financed
  • Purchaser Ownership: Public
  • Tender Value: Refer Document
  • Notice Type: Tender
  • Document Ref. No.: 4936955
  • Purchaser's Detail :
    Castletroy Limerick Eircode / Postal Code: V94 DK53 City: Limerick Country: Ireland Email: Phone Number: Fax: Website:

  • Description :
  • Trinity College Dublin invites tenders for the supply, implementation, maintenance, and support of a SaaS-based Enquiry Management and Case Management service. The proposed implementation must be able to meet timelines and supplier must have experience in the sector. The new platform should be available for immediate use and legacy information should be available for querying and reporting. The new Enquiry and Case Management System must integrate with key University systems, allowing efficient data flows. The proposed solution must provide efficient, integrated workflows and facilitate different users and offer an intuitive online interface and the use of AI. The Academic Registry is the largest user of the current enquiry management system in the University, with approximately 100,000 enquiries annually. SID Case Management is the operational management tool for the Disability Service The current system is an on-premises deployment of SID (Student Information Desk - Tribal Product). The proposed Enquiry Management and Case Management system to fully replace this. Specifically, it must enhance the management of student enquiries and cases, improve efficiency, communication, and user experience, and fulfil the requirements, detailed below, for the following functional areas: 1. streamline the enquiry and case management process. 2. provide a centralized system for tracking and resolving student enquiries. 3. leverage AI for improved response times and data insights. 4. generate reports and analytics for continuous improvement. These areas must be serviced by the following activities: · Enquiry Management - being able to capture, categorise, prioritise and assign enquiries and workflow management capability. · Case Management - case creation, history and time tools and ability to collaborate on cases within a system. · AI Automation Features - Chatbot integration, sentiment analysis and predictive analytics. · Knowledge and FAQ Management - creating a knowledge base ...
  • Documents :
  •  Tender Notice

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